Physician Resources
Here you will find information regarding referral forms, scripts, and common ICD-10 codes used for specific therapy services.
Physician Referrals
Speech Therapy
Some common codes used in speech therapy include F80.0 (specific developmental of speech and language), F80.4 (Speech delay due to hearing loss), F80.81 (Childhood onset fluency disorder), and R48.3 Apraxia, R63.31 (Feeding difficulties).
Occupational Therapy
Some common ICD-10 codes used in pediatric occupational therapy include F84.0 (Autistic disorder), F82 (Specific developmental disorder of motor function), R62.81 (Generalized muscle weakness), R20.9 (Unspecified disturbances of skin sensation), R63.31 Feeding difficulties and R62.0 (Delayed milestone in childhood).
Physical Therapy
In pediatric physical therapy, there are several ICD-10 codes that are commonly used to identify and classify medical conditions. These codes include R26.2 (difficulty walking), R62.0 (Delayed milestone in childhood), R62.5 (Unspecified lack of expected normal physiological development in childhood), M43.6 (Torticollis), and M62.81 (Generalized muscle weakness).
When to Refer
When it comes to referring your patients for pediatric therapy services, it's important to keep an eye out for certain signs. These may include delays in speech or motor skills, difficulty with social interactions, or behavioral issues. If you notice any of these red flags, it may be time to consider a referral to EICS who can help your patients reach their full potential.